아도로, 서울
아도로 앙상블 서울은 남다른 음악적 열정과 실력을 갖춘 다양한 배경의 합창단원들이 모인 한국 기반의 합창 단체입니다. 높은 음악적 수준과 헌신으로 관객들에게 감동적이고 영감을 주는 공연을 선사합니다.
Adoro Ensemble, Seoul, is a dynamic choral group based in South Korea, bringing together skilled singers from diverse backgrounds who share a passion for making exceptional music. The ensemble is known for its high standards of musicality and dedication to choral artistry, creating powerful and inspiring performances that resonate with audiences.
2011. 02 연세대학교 경영학과 졸업
2010. 12 ~ 2012. 12 SK코원에너지서비스 경영기획팀
2012. 12 ~ 2015. 12 SK코원에너지서비스 SKMS실천팀 / 기업문화 강사
2015. 12 ~ 2018. 02 SK코원에너지서비스 요금팀
2018. 08 ~ (주)가배도 이사
연세대학교 합창단 AVENANTE 단원 역임
연세대학교 음악대학 Concert Choir 단원 역임
합창단 SCM 단원 역임
현) 합창단 <음악이 있는 마을> 단원
현대교회 성가대 단원
Hanna Jang graduated from Yonsei University in February 2011 with a degree in Business Administration. She began her professional career at SK Cowon Energy Service, where she worked in the Strategic Planning Team from December 2010 to December 2012. She later served as part of the SKMS Implementation Team and worked as a corporate culture trainer from December 2012 to December 2015. From December 2015 to February 2018, she managed operations in the Billing Team. Since August 2018, she has been serving as a director at Gabaedo Co., Ltd.
Alongside her professional career, she has pursued her passion for choral music. She was a member of the Yonsei University Choir AVENANTE and the Yonsei University College of Music Concert Choir. She has also performed with the SCM Choir. Currently, she sings with the choir Village with Music (음악이 있는 마을) and is an active member of the choir at Hyundai Church.
As the Executive Director of Adoro Ensemble, Seoul, [Name] combines her extensive corporate experience with her dedication to choral music, playing a pivotal role in supporting the ensemble's vision of fostering artistic excellence and cultural connection.
2015. 01 ~ 2015. 12 숙명여자대학교 숙명합창단 단장 역임
2021. 09 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 졸업
2021. 07 ~ 2023. 02 (주)빙그레 남양주공장 생산지원팀
2023. 02 ~ (주) 빙그레 재경담당 회계팀/내부회계관리팀 재직
Chaeline Lee graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Sookmyung Women’s University in September 2021. During her studies, she showcased her leadership as the president of the Sookmyung Women’s University Choir from January to December 2015.
Following graduation, she gained professional experience working in the Production Support Team at Binggrae's Namyangju Factory from July 2021 to February 2023. Currently, she is a member of the Accounting and Internal Accounting Management Team at Binggrae.
As the Ensemble Coordinator for Adoro Seoul, she utilizes her organizational expertise and dedication to music to ensure the seamless operation of the ensemble, contributing significantly to its artistic and administrative success.
English Rehearsal Seminar helds annually every summer. This program is designed for aspiring conductors who wish to study abroad or refine their skills in leading rehearsals in English. Participants gain hands-on experience conducting in English, working closely with talented singers to create meaningful musical interpretations. This seminar serves as both a learning platform and a bridge for conductor students to step confidently into international settings.